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ChooChoo Records
America’s songbook and more!

Songs that marked an
era passed down from generation to generation.
Sing Along!
High quality recordings and arrangements
Timeless Tunes
ChooChoo Records
Home of America's finest songs. These recordings contain a history of Tin Pan Alley from the early to mid 20th century. These are fun tunes our grandparents sang along with when they heard them on the radio. Our parents learned them and passed them on to us, and now it's our turn to teach our own children.
Our Catalog
Entertainment for the whole family
Tongue twisters, riddles, bluegrass cowboys, ukuleles
Where Notes Tell Stories and Melodies Transcend Time
Little CowPoke - Nickel Creek Band
Listen to GRAMMY Award Winning Nickel Creek ('This Side') and their smokin' bluegrass version of 'Deep in the Heart of Texas', or Chris Thile's soulful young voice singing 'Home On the Range' on their first commercial release, "Little Cowpoke". Nickel Creek's Sara was 11, Chris was 12 and Sean was 15 when this album was made. We're certainly not surprised at the 'overnight' success of Nickel Creek!
Tin Pan Alley - Richard Perlmutter
Richard Perlmutter, creator of 'Beethoven's Wig' (also nominated for a GRAMMY award), playfully puns his way through 'I Scream, you Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream' on his album, "Tin Pan Alley", and pleads his case for a banana in 'Yes, We Have No Bananas'.
Hot Diggity - Richard Perlmutter
Richard's second release, "Hot Diggity" gives us a glimpse of the life of a glow worm ('Glow, Little Glow Worm') and a rousing reason to eat your veggies, ('Vegetable Patrol').
Ukelele Lady - Victoria Jackson
Victoria Jackson, the ukulele strumming comedienne of 'Saturday Night Live', makes us smile and sing along on 'The Best Things in Life Are Free' on "Ukelele Lady".
Ukulele Ditties for Itty Bitty Kiddies - Victoria Jackson
Victoria Jackson entertains smaller children with nursery rhymes and a very special version of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" on her album, "Ukulele Ditties for Itty Bitty Kiddies".
ChooChoo in Numbers
winning artists
Years of
musical history
Explore Our albums
Choo Choo Records offers a selection of wonderful music for all ages, young to old. The songs are fully orchestrated and the background vocals are reminiscent of old time radio shows and vaudeville, Andrews Sisters and the Mills Brothers. Take the time to listen to a sample of any of the fine recordings of Choo Choo Records!